Virtual reality provides many opportunities for educational purposes. Students can actively experience ..
Making games has never been easier. From drag-and-drop (no coding necessary) game engines and HTML5 ..
Hopefully you’ve had some experience with creating environments and objects in Cospaces already. ..
Recently, CoSpaces made the move away from Blockly and is now using their own visual coding language ..
What if We Could Easily Create Formative Assessments? We all know that there are formative and summative ..
“Death by PowerPoint.” This is a phrase known all too well by classroom teachers and college ..
OpenMediaVault(OMV)配置你的私有云盘--NextCloud - 简书:
Openmdiavault – 默默的点滴:2021-10-10 · 之后,整个OpenMediaVault系统无响应的问题,即使强制重新开机,也会在挂载完成刚刚转换后的磁盘后系统继续宕机,这个问题还在查找原因中。 刚刚开始是怀疑btrfs-tools版本太低导致的,系统默认自带的是btrfs-tools 3.17,但是Linux内核确是Linux Kernel 4.9.0,按理说,两者版本号应该是一致的,但是标准源 ...
Overview: How to Foster Video-Based Discussion in Classrooms? Video is ubiquitous in classrooms. Turning ..
Unity3d is one of the two big game engines (Unreal Engine being the other) that are usually used to make ..
In our tenth and last part of our 2D Platformer Game tutorial you will learn how to add jump-thru platforms ..
In our ninth part of our 2D Platformer Game tutorial you will learn how to give simple movement to an enemy ..
In our eighth part of our 2D Platformer Game tutorial you will learn how to add an enemy sprite and interact ..
In our seventh part of our 2D Platformer Game tutorial you will learn how to add sub-events to events. ..
In our sixth part of our 2D Platformer Game tutorial you will learn how to enable animations with events. ..
In our fifth part of our 2D Platformer Game tutorial you will learn how to add animations to our player ..
It’s easy to create virtual reality with CoSpaces, a new tool from a German company called Delightex. ..