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Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public Mailman 2 mailing lists on dd0h92.wcbzw.com. Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. There are also Mailman 3 lists on dd0h92.wcbzw.com. If you don't find a list you're looking for here, it may be a Mailman 3 list. Please go to http://dd0h92.wcbzw.com/mailman3/lists/ for information on Mailman 3 lists. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact mailman@python.org. |
 |  |
List | Description |
Aberdeen | [no description available] |
ABQpy | 上网科学工具app下载 |
用电脑科学免费上网 | Coordination of the Python Advocacy Effort |
Archiver-dev | Development of email archivers |
科学上上网工具下载 | Astronomical Python mailing list |
BangPypers | Bangalore Python Users Group - India |
科技上网工具下载安装 | SF Bay Area Python group |
科学上上网工具下载 | Python Community of Belgium |
Borgbackup | a deduplicating/encrypting/compressing backup program. |
Boston | 上网科学工具app下载 |
Bundle-sponsorship-wg | [no description available] |
Canberra-PUG | Canberra Python Users Group |
CentralOH | V2Ray 客户端-何先生:2021-6-10 · V2RayU:v2rayU-v2.1.0 官方下载 安卓客户端: V2RayNG: v2rayNG-v1.2.9 官方下载 iOS 客户端: ios 目前没有发现免费的客户端,付费的客户端有:Shadowrocket、pepi、i2Ray、Kitsunebi 和 Quantumult。何先生推荐 Quantumult 。Linux 客户端: |
Charleston | Mailing list for Charleston's Python User Group |
Chennaipy | Chennai Python User Group Mailing List |
Chicago | The Chicago Python Users Group |
Chicago-sig-organizers | 老王科学的上网工具下载 |
ChiPy-announce | The Chicago Python Users Group -- Announce Only List |
Compiler-sig | Discussion of Python compilation |
conduct | [no description available] |
用电脑科学免费上网 | Open discussion of Python conferences, worldwide, existing and planned |
Cplusplus-sig | Development of Python/C++ integration |
Cryptography-dev | [no description available] |
Csv | Discussions about CSV support in Python |
cython-devel | Core developer mailing list of the Cython compiler |
DB-SIG | SIG on Python Tabular Databases |
科学上上网工具下载 | Washington DC Python Interest Group |
老王科学的上网工具下载 | Mailing List of Dehradun Python User Group |
Django-india | [no description available] |
Doc-SIG | Python Documentation Special Interest Group |
Ecuador | [no description available] |
Edinburgh | Python Edinburgh |
Elections | Discussion of PSF elections |
Elections-wg | FIXME! We need a title here |
Email-SIG | SIG for designing and implementing email 3.0 |
EuroPython | Planning the European Python community conference |
EuroPython-Announce | EuroPython announcements |
EuroPython-Improve | Discussion list for the EuroPython organisers & active volunteers |
europython-volunteer-announce | EuroPython volunteer announcement list |
EuroSciPy | Planning the EuroSciPy conference |
execnet-dev | Channel/Actor style communication between Python interpreters |
Expat-bugs | Issue tracker activity for Expat |
Expat-checkins | Revision-control actions for Expat |
Expat-discuss | Discussion of the Expat XML parser |
Flask | General discussion of Flask and the Pallets projects |
FOSDEM | [no description available] |
Glasgow | Python Glasgow |
老王科学的上网工具下载 | Public discussion of PSF Grants applications |
Group-Organizers | Support and Mentoring of Usergroup Organizers (Current or Wannabe) |
Gsoc-blogs | [no description available] |
老王科学的上网工具下载 | Google Summer of Code general discussion list for students and mentors |
Gurkentruppe | nobody should subscribe here |
Healthcare | Python community healthcare SIG |
科技上网工具app下载 | Python internationalization and localization |
IDLE-dev | IDLE development |
Image-SIG | MiWiFi – 下载:2021-6-1 · PC客户端 下载 Android客户端 下载 小米路由器修复工具 PC 客户端 建议关闭杀毒软件后使用 下载 使用说明(含刷机教程) 小米路由器AX1800 稳定版 更新日志 下载 小米路由器AX1800 小米AIoT路由器AX3600 稳定版 ... |
Import-SIG | 蓝灯PC破解专业版 - 科学上网-shadowsocks:2021-4-6 · 蓝灯4.4 专业 破解版下载地址 蓝灯PC破解版本文件 蓝灯破解版使用教程 第一步 关闭DEP:在命传行下执行命传 ,在命传行输入 ,然后重启电脑。 bcdedit /set nx alwaysoff 在电脑开始菜单那里中输入 cmd 然后就会出现命传的软件窗口 |
Inpycon | Mailing list for the PyCon India conference |
IPython-dev | IPython Community list |
Jython-checkins | Check-in messages from the Jython maintainers |
KolPy | [no description available] |
上网科学工具app下载 | Mashhad Python User Group |
Matplotlib-announce | [no description available] |
Matplotlib-devel | Developer mailing list for Matplotlib |
科技上网工具下载安装 | user list for matplotlib |
melbourne-pug | 科技上网工具下载安装 |
Meta-sig | SIG on python.org SIGs and mailing lists |
Mobile-sig | Python Mobile-sig |
moin-devel | 上网科学工具app下载 |
moin-user | MoinMoin Wiki User Support and Discussion |
Multiprocessing-sig | [no description available] |
Ncr-Python.in | Python Delhi User Group |
上网科学工具app下载 | Neuroimaging analysis in Python |
New-bugs-announce | List for new Python bug reports |
Newsletter | A mailing list for the Python Newsletter Editors... |
用电脑科学免费上网 | Discussion of Numerical Python |
用电脑科学免费上网 | [no description available] |
上网科学工具app下载 | Omaha Python Users Group |
oscon | Python/PSF planning for OSCON |
Pandas-dev | Pandas development mailing list |
Planet | Send requests for additions/changes to the Planet Python aggregator. No subscription requests, please (apart from maintainers). |
Playground | 福源币手机端下载 - 币搜:2021-4-28 · 谢谢科学上网。。 OK用客户端 APP可伡用的 风声太大听不 发表于 2021-3-20 09:54科学上网。。 OK用客户端有没有好用的工具 分享一下 风声太大听不 发表于 2021-3-20 09:54科学上网。。 OK用客户端客户端我前段给卸载了现在再想下载不知 |
Plgroups | [no description available] |
PLPUG | Polish Python Users Group - open discussions |
PLPUG-audit | ssr怎么设置_ssr手机使用教程_手机版ssr怎么设置:2 天前 · SSR 电脑设置科学上网教程-SSR如何使用教程 - 冬天博客 2021年7月14日 - 首先我伞启动一下“SSR”软件,不同于SS,SSR比起SS会更加稍微好用一点,并且SSR新增了一些“混淆”方式,具体是什么我也不过多,毕竟我伞只需要能使用科学... |
PLPUG-board | Polish Python Users Group - management board |
Portland | Python Users Group -- Portland, Oregon USA |
PSF-Community | A mailing list for the PSF Community |
PSF-sponsors | Discussions among PSF sponsor members |
Psf-supporting-members | [no description available] |
Psf-ux | [no description available] |
用电脑科学免费上网 | 科技上网工具下载安装 |
PSF-Vote | PSF Voting Members |
PuPPy | Puget Sound Programming Python meetup list |
PyAR2 | Arkansas Python User Group - Python ARtists of ARkansas |
Pycon-announce | [no description available] |
PyCon-de | German Python Events and Conferences (in German) |
科技上网工具app下载 | PyCon US special assistance |
Pycon-greenroom | [no description available] |
Pycon-interest | [no description available] |
Pycon-mobile-guide | PyCon US mobile guide team |
Pycon-openspaces | PyCon US open spaces team |
科学上上网工具下载 | Surfboard教程 | 安卓最快上网工具_OLEOU | 噢勒噢 V3.0:2 天前 · 《舌尖上的中国》下载 (附:(10-31) v2rayN为什么要设置成全局才(02-07) 科学上网客户端下载【合集】(02-22) 地狱少女1-4下载(06-03) 随行付mpos机错误伟码00处理(05-19) PC版微信助手WeTool永久免费(09-10) cloudflare免费CDN加速使用(07-13) 金蝶 文件 |
Pycon-pune | [no description available] |
Pycon-se | [no description available] |
PyCon-Tech | Development of PyCon conference software |
科学上上网工具下载 | [no description available] |
PyCon-ZA | [no description available] |
PyConAPAC | List to support the working group for PyCon APAC |
用电脑科学免费上网 | [no description available] |
PyConPL-org | 科学上上网工具下载 |
PyConPL-prog | 推荐科学上网工具,支持苹果安卓PC端 | 很文博客:2021-7-31 · 注册下载 1 2 3 赞 25 赏 分享 版权声明:本文章于2021年7月31日17:30:36,由 很文博客hinwen1.com 发表,共 1953 字。 转载请注明:推荐科学上网工具,支持苹果安卓PC端 | ... |
Pyconscot | 老王科学的上网工具下载 |
pyconuk | Mailing list for the PyCon UK conference |
Pyconuk-delegates | 上网科学工具pc端下载 |
Pyconuk-intro | PyConUK Intro to Python teachers |
pydotorg-www | 在pc用安卓模拟器观看抖音海外版tiktok - 简书:2.你有科学上网的账号。到时在BlueStacks安装你平时的科学上网app。3.伡下是BlueStacks界面,可伡看到我用的是V数字Ray的科学上网工具,tiktok是在googleplay下载的,你也可伡百度它的apk进行安装 |
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PyLadies-BLR | 上网科学工具pc端下载 |
PyOhio | General discussion list for attendees of the PyOhio conference |
PyOhio-announce | Announce-only list for prospective attendees of the PyOhio conference |
pyop | 免费科学上网工具“启点加速器”不限流量/网游加速器-便宜技术 ...:2021-5-3 · 这款工具之前发过,不得不过这款工具稳定性相对来说很不错,因为本人一直在使用它,他不仅仅科学上网,也可伡游戏加速,效果很不错支持 IOS 安卓 PC端 ,看youtube 1080P HD直播 毫无压力。手机电脑同时可伡使用注册即送30分钟体验下载 ... |
pyopenssl-users | 科学上上网工具下载 |
Pypi-checkins | [no description available] |
pypy-commit | commits to pypy development |
pypy-dev | development of the PyPy Python implementation |
pypy-issue | [no description available] |
PySilesia | PySilesia (Silesian Python Users Group) |
PyStok | Python, Białystok, PyStok |
pytest-commit | 上网科学工具pc端下载 |
用电脑科学免费上网 | development of pytest testing tool |
用电脑科学免费上网 | African Python Users group -- Linking African Python Efforts, because We are Stronger together. |
Python-authors | For authors, editors, reviewers of writings about Python |
Python-bugs-list | List which receives bug reports on Python |
Python-checkins | trojan客户端下载 - tlanyan:2021-6-13 · 官网下载 配置教程 clashX-v1.20.3.dmg 官网下载 配置教程 trojan Linux客户端 trojan-1.16.0-linux-amd64.tar.xz 官网下载 trojan iOS客户端 iPhone/iPad打开App Store,搜索Shadowrocket、Pharos Pro。搜索不到请参考 “获取ios科学上网客户端”,安装后配置请 |
Python-compilers | Discussion between folks working on Python compilers |
python-crypto | Cryptography with Python |
Python-cuba | A PSF Working group for promote relationships with Cuban Pythonistas |
python-de | Die Deutsche Python Mailingliste |
用电脑科学免费上网 | La lista de python en castellano |
python-events | Python Events Calendar Team List |
Python-greece | Mailing list for Greek Python User Group. |
Python-Help | 什么叫"科学上网" | 刷啊刷:为什么要科学上网。我要出去看大大世界,我要上google搜索资料,而不想被度娘广告摆布;我要在FACEBOOK上面和歪果仁交盆友,我要在telegram上面畅欲言,不怕群和河蟹。 今天小坑分享是一个用来科学上网工具。 你不知道什么叫“科学上网”,请自行 |
上网科学工具app下载 | Python for High Performance and Scientific Computing |
Python-hu | Hungarian Python users |
科学上上网工具下载 | Iranian Python Users |
Python-ke | [no description available] |
Python-latam | La comunidad de Python de América Latina |
python-ldap | Discussion around development, usage etc. of module package ldap |
Python-legal-sig | Discussion of Python Legal/Compliance issues |
Python-list | General discussion list for the Python programming language |
Python-mode | For issues concerning python-mode for X/Emacs |
Python-mx | [no description available] |
python-nigeria | Nigerian Python Users Group |
Python-nl | Dutch Python developers and users |
Python-ro | Listă de discuÈ›ii despre Python în limba Română |
上网科学工具app下载 | Mailing list for Python Sverige |
Python-Togo | Togolese Python Users (Togo PyUG) |
python-uk | UK Python Users |
python-win32 | 什么叫"科学上网" | 刷啊刷:为什么要科学上网。我要出去看大大世界,我要上google搜索资料,而不想被度娘广告摆布;我要在FACEBOOK上面和歪果仁交盆友,我要在telegram上面畅欲言,不怕群和河蟹。 今天小坑分享是一个用来科学上网工具。 你不知道什么叫“科学上网”,请自行 |
PythonCAD | Mailing list for PythonCAD development |
PythonCE | Python programming on Windows CE |
pythonexpress | 上网科学工具pc端下载 |
Pythonmac-SIG | SIG on Python for the Apple Macintosh |
sapug | South Australian Python Users Group |
scikit-learn | Scikit-learn mailing list |
SciPy-Dev | SciPy Developers List |
Scipy-organizers | 什么叫"科学上网" | 刷啊刷:为什么要科学上网。我要出去看大大世界,我要上google搜索资料,而不想被度娘广告摆布;我要在FACEBOOK上面和歪果仁交盆友,我要在telegram上面畅欲言,不怕群和河蟹。 今天小坑分享是一个用来科学上网工具。 你不知道什么叫“科学上网”,请自行 |
Scipy-svn | 科技上网工具下载安装 |
SciPy-User | SciPy Users List |
Seattle-pug | Python User Group Seattle |
Soap | SOAP libraries for Python developers |
SpamBayes | Discussion list for Pythonic Bayesian classifier |
用电脑科学免费上网 | Announcements related to the SpamBayes project |
Spambayes-bugs | SF Bug tracker mailing list for SpamBayes project |
Spambayes-checkins | Check-in messages for the spambayes project |
spambayes-dev | Development of the Pythonic Bayesian classifier |
Sponsors-wg | [no description available] |
用电脑科学免费上网 | PyCon US Sprint Mentors |
Sunpiggies | Python Users Group -- Flagstaff/Phoenix/Tucson, Arizona USA |
TehPUG | 科技上网工具下载安装 |
Texas | Discussion list for the Texas region Python community |
Tkinter-discuss | [no description available] |
TriZPUG | Triangle (North Carolina) Python Users Group (formerly TriZPUG) |
Tutor | Discussion for learning programming with Python |
Web-SIG | SIG for Python support for the Web |
Wheel-builders | Discussion of building and distributing Python packages, esp. extension packages, as wheels |
Winnipeg | Winnipeg Python Users Group |
xml-sig | Python XML Special Interest Group |
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