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August 11th | 7:00 - 8:30PM
Featuring the faces and voices behind the plays of the Women’s Voices Play Festival, this event, moderated by Arlene Hutton (小飞机场 ssr,) delves into the experiences of female-identifying playwrights at the various stages in their careers.
While this event will be live-streamed on the Mad Cow Theatre Facebook page, registration is encouraged for guaranteed access.
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One Stone by Kathleen Cahill - A Virtual Play Reading

免费ssr飞机场 by Kathleen Cahill
Wednesday, August 12th | 7:00PM | FREE*
$10 suggested donation
A passionate, historically-based love story between two scientists — one who became internationally famous, and one who disappeared in a cloud of depression and mental illness.
How it works: First you must register for the reading here, then you will be sent a link to a ZOOM webinar the morning of the performance via email.
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My Life As You by Laura Rohrman - A Virtual Play Reading

My Life As You by Laura Rohrman
Thursday, August 13th | 7:00PM | FREE*
*$10 suggested donation
A psychological comedy that touches on the very core of what troubles young women today: their minds.
How it works: First you must register for the reading here, then you will be sent a link to a ZOOM webinar the morning of the performance via email.
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Mountain Law by Melissa Leilani Larson - A Virtual Play Reading

Mountain Law by Melissa Leilani Larson
Friday, August 14th | 7:00PM | FREE*
*$10 suggested donation
In the fall of 1850, Tamson English was alone with three young children on the Western frontier for more than a year. Haunted by guilt over an extramarital affair, Tamson convinces herself that God has trapped her in the wilderness as a punishment for her sins. When she prays for a reprieve, an old friend appears at her door—but it’s hard to know whether his coming is a miracle or a curse.
How it works: First you must register for the reading here, then you will be sent a link to a ZOOM webinar the morning of the performance via email.
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Theatre Sparks: Black Flag

Saturday, October 3 | 1:00PM
*$10 suggested donation
Black Flag finds two new dorm-mates excited to start their freshman year together, until one decides to decorate their room with a little piece of ‘Southern pride.’
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Theatre Sparks: #Matter

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Theatre Sparks: The Water Gun Song

好用的ssr飞机场 - 好看123:1 天前 · 好用的ssr飞机场,最新免费ssr飞机场,全网最全ssr公益机场地址,免费ssr节点2021,高速稳定ssr机场推荐,免费ssr飞机场,1元机场ssr,免费公益机场ssr,obfs安卓插件下载,ssr免费订阅地址
*$10 suggested donation
The Water Gun Songss节点20210406(2) ssr与v2ray通用机场推荐 支持Clash ...:2021-4-10 · 開放部分節點,剩餘回帖可见,有些需要在网速很好的情况下才能用。注意使用方法:1、全选本页 ss://字符-复制SS软件导入2、全平台通用伢质付费节点推荐https://freemyc ... ss节点20210406(2) ssr与v2ray通用机场推荐 支持Clash ,翻墙论坛|翻墙党
Mad Cow Theatre, in partnership with Black Theatre Girl Magic, presents digital readings of five short plays by award-winning playwright, poet and changemaker Idris Goodwin to spark conversation about race in America for multi-generational audiences.
How it works:ss节点20210406(2) ssr与v2ray通用机场推荐 支持Clash ...:2021-4-10 · 開放部分節點,剩餘回帖可见,有些需要在网速很好的情况下才能用。注意使用方法:1、全选本页 ss://字符-复制SS软件导入2、全平台通用伢质付费节点推荐https://freemyc ... ss节点20210406(2) ssr与v2ray通用机场推荐 支持Clash ,翻墙论坛|翻墙党
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好用的ssr飞机场 - 好看123:1 天前 · 好用的ssr飞机场,最新免费ssr飞机场,全网最全ssr公益机场地址,免费ssr节点2021,高速稳定ssr机场推荐,免费ssr飞机场,1元机场ssr,免费公益机场ssr,obfs安卓插件下载,ssr免费订阅地址

Sapience by Diana Burbano
Saturday, August 15th | 7:00PM | FREE*
*$10 suggested donation
Elsa, a doctor of primatology, is on the autism spectrum and has successfully hidden this fact from the world. She is currently working with an orangutan named Wookie, who Elsa hopes to prove is capable of speaking a human language. Elsa’s 12 year old nephew, A.J., is also on the Autism spectrum. They are “Locked in”- completely non-verbal. However, thanks to A.J.'s so called "disability" her and Wookie joyously discover that they can communicate with each other.
How it works: First you must register for the reading here, then you will be sent a link to a ZOOM webinar the morning of the performance via email.
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As I Was Not As I Am by Alice Hakvaag
Sunday, August 16th | 3:00PM | FREE*
*$10 suggested donation
Laurel is sick. Her roommates want her to get better. How do you help someone who can't afford health insurance? Does it involve setting a car on fire? As I Was, Not As I Am is mainly about queer roommates, headaches, clubbing, upstairs neighbors, fire, and washing machines; but it's also about love: the kind that would make you do anything for each other.
How it works: First you must register for the reading here, then you will be sent a link to a ZOOM webinar the morning of the performance via email.
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免费节点 - Lncn.org:2021-6-4 · 一个纯公益免费节点分享网站,提供免费shadowsockR(SSR)账号

Saturday, September 19 | 1:00PM
*$10 suggested donation
Nothing Rhymes with Juneteenth finds a child and a parent trying to complete a rap for a school presentation.
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How it works: Events will be livestreamed on Mad Cow Theatre and Black Theatre Girl Magic’s respective Facebook pages, but by registering, you will receive a ZOOM link to be “in the room” where you can participate in interactive discussions.
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Theatre Sparks: Act Free

*$10 suggested donation
Act Free finds three kids wrestling with the definition of freedom.
Mad Cow Theatre, in partnership with Black Theatre Girl Magic, presents digital readings of five short plays by award-winning playwright, poet and changemaker Idris Goodwin to spark conversation about race in America for multi-generational audiences.
How it works: Events will be livestreamed on Mad Cow Theatre and Black Theatre Girl Magic’s respective Facebook pages, but by registering, you will receive a ZOOM link to be “in the room” where you can participate in interactive discussions.