To learn more about the West Virginia University Retirees Association, see the About WVURA menu option. To learn more about current activity, see the following Inside Story.
The Inside Story . . .
WVURA Book Club
Members of the Book Club met on March 6 to discuss Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou. It's about the biggest corporate fraud since Enron, the breathtaking rise and shocking collapse of Theranos, the biotech startup founded by Elizabeth Holmes.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Backpack Feeding Program
Our group keeps getting bigger and bigger. What a turnout for the February packing. We packed food bags
for school children and it took no time at all. You can see the results in the photo at right. With 800 children eligible for the program, it takes a while to get the job done. But this group knows, many hands make light work. Thanks, team.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Music from the Heart
Retirees enjoyed a reception and concert on Valentine's Day. A reception with hors d'oeuvres and wine was held in the Grand Hall at the Art Museum. Afterwards retirees attended a WVU Wind Symphony concert Music from the Heart. We got lots of positive comments on this event and, if you missed it, you missed a good one!
Monday, February 3, 2025
Let's Go Bowling
Retirees went bowling on Mondays in February at Suburban Lanes. Games were $2.00 each and shoes and balls were free. Suburban even provided coffee and water. You see two of our teams above. We aren't pro bowlers but we had a great time.